Mental Fitness Terms and Conditions
PLEASE NOTE: by participating in the team training sessions, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
Training Topics:
Week 0: Orientation and Launch
Get set up in the app, meet your podmates and bring clarity to your goals for the program.
Week 1: Self-Command and PQ Reps
Establish a PQ Rep routine that energizes your Sage brain and shifts you from the autopilot mind to Self-Command.
Week 2: Judge
Experience the negative impact of the Judge through visualization or contemplation and develop a practice of catching your Judge and celebrating.
Week 3: Accomplice Saboteurs
Explore your top two Saboteurs (or more) and develop a practice of catching your Saboteurs, celebrating, and taking a Saboteur-specific counterstep.
Week 4: Empathize
Experience the Empathize Power through a visualization or contemplation using your unique access point to the power.
Week 5: Sage Perspective, Explore, Innovate
Learn how to accept and convert any situation into a gift and opportunity using the Sage Perspective, Explore, and Innovate.
Week 6: Activate
Learn how to embody the Activate Power to bring ease and flow to your actions.
Week 7: Navigate and Applications
Access the wisdom of the Navigate Power through a contemplation that reveals what’s truly important to you and how an ongoing PQ practice can support you.
By accepting this agreement, you agree to attend the sessions as scheduled, to come prepared and ready to participate with the group at a 10/10.
Team Agreements-participate at 10/10
- 10/10 Participation:
- Engaging with the group
- Speaking up - especially if you're someone who normally does not
- Listen - especially if you're someone who normally does much of the speaking up
- Minimize disruptions...turn off outlook and phone
- Show up with honesty, transparency, attentiveness...check egos at the door and create safe spaces.
- Block time before, after, or in between meetings to prepare, wrap up, and do homework.
- Come prepared. Do your homework! Ask questions!
- Be accountable for what you say and do.
- Remember we're here to win as a team and help each other succeed.
Additionally, you are agreeing to the following guidelines:
Basic Housekeeping:
Zoom Sessions: We'll start with microphones on mute and unmute as needed. Please have pen and paper close by. Bottom-line any answers or comments. Put your questions in the chat as you think of them and we'll make time at the end of sessions to address them.
Confidentiality: All conversations held within the team during our webinars are held in the strictest confidentiality. Exploration of topics is most effective when it’s done from a place of authenticity and honesty.
In Between Sessions: If you would like to share a success or a problem with me at non-coaching times, you may contact me via e-mail at
If you need technical support with the Positive Intelligence app you can reach out to
Problems: If at any time you have questions, or if I ever say or do something that upsets you or doesn’t feel right, please bring it to my attention. I am committed to creating a powerful relationship with all members of the $CLIENTCOMPANY$ team that is open to the discussion of challenges.