Have you ever worked out the cost of a bad hire?
At a time when many organizations are struggling for personnel, it can be alluring to hire "any body."
"Carolyn, we just need people to do the work!" But...what's the cost of this, in the long term? (Don't have a gauge for this? Here's a handy cost calculator to figure out the true cost of a bad hire).
Benchmarking is a process we use before hiring with organizations that want to ensure that they make the right hire. Using the TriDNA Behaviour Assessment, we map out the key accountabilities for the role, plus the behaviours, motivators and the core competencies best associated with that role's type of work. Benchmarking a job minimizes bias and provides a clear objective and collective voice to what behaviors, motivators and skills the job needs.
Taking the time, upfront, to get clarity on what is required from the role, the team and the business ensures that we are adding the exact right person to the mix. Benchmarking a role is only 30% of the hiring process. Still required in the hiring process is understanding the candidates education, experience and core values. The process of achieving this clarity is probably the most powerful part of the hiring process.
Using the behaviour assessment at the beginning of your employee's journey is truly the gift that keeps on giving. The assessments can be used for professional development, coaching, understanding team dynamics and dealing with conflict.
Curious to know a bit more about how benchmarking and assessments can lead to better overall engagement and performance? Join us this Wednesday for our quarterly webinar.
Wednesday, June 22 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
HIRING FOR SUCCESS - How to Benchmark Your Key Roles

"I just so love seeing you all in person. We need more opportunities to connect meaningfully like this!"
Are you looking for a meaningful way to develop your teams? Ask us about our LEADING SELF In-Person and Online Training Program for High Performing Teams!
The program focuses on the cultivation of personal awareness in order for them to show up with maximum impact. Some key take-aways include:
• adapt to different communication styles,
• communicate with others that are challenging to you,
• engage in difficult conversations,
• regulate yourself in pressure situations,
• leverage your mindset to better address problems and challenges

What could restoring your teams magic look like for your teams? Where's there an opportunity for you to purposefully invest in some "being" work? Feel free to reach out and share your thoughts and observations!

I was pleased to recently appear with Martin Hunter on his podcast What CEOs Talk About. Find more info and a link to listen here!
2022 Quarterly Webinar Training

Wednesday, June 22 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
HIRING FOR SUCCESS - How to Benchmark Your Key Roles
Have you ever watched the movie Moneyball? The movie where they basically use baseball data to create a winning team? Have you ever considered what the data of your players and your team is? Before you make your next key hire, spend some time considering the data of your ideal candidate. Our assessments help analyze key behaviours, motivators, and core competencies related to your important roles. Join myself and BYB associate Candace Giesbrecht as we share the must have tool and process for your next hire!
Better Your Best Book Club

FRIDAY, September 23 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
THE ART OF GATHERING - How We Meet and Why it Matters
In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker argues that the gatherings in our lives are lackluster and unproductive—which they don't have to be. We rely too much on routine and the conventions of gatherings when we should focus on distinctiveness and the people involved. At a time when coming together is more important than ever, Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and for play. LET US GATHER(!) for an interactive discussion on ways we can apply Priya's expertise as a facilitator to the ways we come together, and to discuss what works and what doesn't.
Hire for success and engagement by incorporating benchmarking into your recruiting process! Contact us today to find out how!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca