Restore your team's magic!
Do you want to optimize performance in your business? Then focus equally on being work and doing work. High performing leaders know how to purposefully balance both the being and the doing, culture and strategy, that allows businesses to achieve bigger results.
Doing work means integrating a strategic rhythm, having a plan, setting objectives, prioritizing tasks, managing time. It is the collection of technical steps required in envisioning your business's future, creating work back plans, and constantly reviewing and resetting in order to adapt to changing conditions.
Being work is the knowing of WHO your people are and the make up of your teams - their strengths, limitations, motivators, core competencies. It's the ability to recognize each other for who they are, leverage each other's strengths, and communicate effectively through good times and tough times.
Depending on the challenges of the organization I'm working with, Better Your Best works in both of these areas...because believe it or not, many businesses are strong in one area and weak in the other.
As we are emerge from the pandemic, I'm seeing the need for businesses to truly double down in their 'being work.' Businesses need to invest in both their people and their teams. Humans are fragile right now and consequently, so are our teams. We're figuring out how we do this again. And reconciling with the fact that it won't look like 'the before times'.
Leaders and employees are noticing and wondering: I'm different. They're different. How do we do this?
The solution - restoring your team's magic in a new way! To optimize your team's being.
What does that look like?! Here are some suggestions to be considerate of:
Know the DNA of your leaders and your teams! Use assessment tools like our TriDNA assessment that measures leadership behaviours, motivators and core competencies.
Employee Check-Ins. Connect with your leaders in a meaningful way, personal to them, regularly. Go for a walk, go for lunch, or just give them a call. Take the time to find out what brings them joy, what their challenges are, and how you can support them. Check in to see if they are prioritizing the hobbies and activities that bring them fulfilment and happiness...Engaging in activities that are meaningful to us is a huge stress reliever.
Get them together physically...activate some oxytocin! Bring your teams together to celebrate, create with their hands (build, music, food, art!) or learn.
Revisit your cultural road map as a group. Review your purpose, value proposition and values to achieve realignment on how we get things done around here, what we celebrate, what we will no longer tolerate.
Spread the knowledge. Make sure what you are doing at the executive level is being disseminated out purposefully to the rest of the organization. Quite often we see senior leadership getting coaches but this awesome awareness and learning is not getting dispersed throughout the organization.
For organizations that believe in the power of coaching as a leadership tool and want their middle managers to benefit, we've create a great training program called LEADING SELF, that can be done in person, online or hybrid. It's a great opportunity to support emerging leaders through the first phase of their leadership journey to better understand themselves, so that they are better able to lead others. The program focuses on the cultivation of personal awareness in order for them to show up with maximum impact. Some key take-aways include:
• adapt to different communication styles,
• communicate with others that are challenging to you,
• engage in difficult conversations,
• regulate yourself in pressure situations,
• leverage your mindset to better address problems and challenges

What could restoring your teams magic look like for your teams? Where's there an opportunity for you to purposefully invest in some "being" work? Feel free to reach out and share your thoughts and observations!
2022 Quarterly Webinar Training

Wednesday, June 22 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
HIRING FOR SUCCESS - How to Benchmark Your Key Roles
Have you ever watched the movie Moneyball? The movie where they basically use baseball data to create a winning team? Have you ever considered what the data of your players and your team is? Before you make your next key hire, spend some time considering the data of your ideal candidate. Our assessments help analyze key behaviours, motivators, and core competencies related to your important roles. Join myself and BYB associate Candace Giesbrecht as we share the must have tool and process for your next hire!
As more and more teams return back to the office, here's to your teams rediscovering their magic and propelling your performance!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e w