What's a new idea you've activated recently?
Fun fact: we are never going back to the way things were.
Pre-COVID, we were already in the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution; because of technology, major industries such as tourism, banking, and entertainment were being “disrupted.” If your industry was not being disrupted, it was only a matter of time. Today, as the world faces social, economic, health, and environmental challenges, we are all being thrust into major disruption. Today, if you want your business to survive and thrive you are being called to become an innovative disruptor and a master at change management. To do so requires a mindset that can re-imagine everything, distributed teams that feel supported, connected, and collaborative, and a strategy that is fluid and clear.
I recently had a conversation with a business owner who shared with me (with a big cheeky grin on her face) that “every idea I’ve ever had — and have been reluctant to implement because of my team’s aversion to change — I’m trying now. I’m seeing that employees and customers are more adaptable than ever. If something works out, it’s a win that we celebrate, it bolsters confidence and engagement. And if it doesn’t work out, we try something new.”
This type of agile, innovative thinking, and action requires a growth mindset. It requires a mind wired for new ideas and solutions to our 21st-century challenges. A few of these challenges include attracting top talent, engaging staff across diverse cultural backgrounds, and keeping remote teams connected and collaborating while they juggle their family responsibilities. To address these challenges, we need to be focussed on solutions and letting go of old mental models. A growth mindset calls for seeing all challenges and failures as opportunities, or key learnings for moving forward.
What challenge is your business facing today and how do you need to shift your mindset to address the challenge? What do you need to be focussing on right now? (READ MORE...)
Join me for my talk Oct 21st: "What does your business look like going forward?" Grow, transition or exit? Canada’s M&A Conference, the Business Transitions Forum, is going virtual with a reimagined version of the event. Introducing BTF NOW. Join us at the Western Edition on Oct 21-22.
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Sign up for our annual Leadership Tune-Up Membership. Membership Includes monthly professional development webinars, quarterly group coaching sessions, and book clubs!
Weds, Oct 28 | 12 pm PST Topic: Customer Focus | REGISTER

Sign up for our November Book Club Meeting. Fri Nov 27 | 6 am PST THE FEARLESS ORGANIZATION by Amy Edmondson | REGISTER

With fall comes the reminder that the only constant in life is change. In order for us to adapt and respond to the seasons of change, we need to be able to let go...like a tree letting go of its leaves. Consider for a moment something you need to let go of to fully embrace this new season.
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca