One of my yearly holiday traditions is to create a family calendar for my extended siblings and their families. It is a gift I know every single family member looks forward to. However, every year I find myself saying in the beginning "this is my last year for sure." Trying to wrangle everyone's family pictures is usually the most challenging part. Yet like most things, once I get going, once i start organizing the pictures and start reflecting back on the memories of the year I remember why I do this.
It is so special to look back and take stock of all of the amazing memories we have each created. I am so amazed at how quickly time is speeding up. If feels just like yesterday that we were anticipating Georgia's arrival. Now she is skating and riding a run bike and talking non stop at 5:45am.
As you already know, I believe that the formula for achieving our dreams starts with the vision, then the belief and finally the plan. However it's in all of our high performing natures to continue to dream, to continue to climb and to continue to grow without pausing to celebrate just what we have already achieved.
Before you start setting your hopes, dreams and intentions for 2018 remember to pause and take stock on exactly all of the amazing moments you have already experienced and can be grateful for.
I encourage you to carve out some time before the holiday craziness and the rush of the new year to journal on the following questions. Feel free to answer all of them, feel free to only answer one. Just set the intention to pause and take notice of all of the amazing moments both good and bad that 2018 provided for you.
If you would like to share your answers with me you can complete this form:
Form: 2017 Questions for Review
Until we chat next I wish you a magical holiday season with your loved ones!
All the best and with gratitude for our friendship,
BYB 2017 Questions for Review
1. List 5 Champagne Moments you experienced this year. Feeling stuck? Pull out your phone and take a quick scroll through some of your pics!
2. In what area of your life did you take a risk? How did it turn out?
3. What is something new that you have learned this year?
4. What's one thing from 2017 you need to let go of?
5. What are 3 things you are most grateful for?
