Hi Carolyn,
How are you? No really... how are you doing? I'm not sure about you but it feels like there are a lot of people around me navigating some pretty massive challenges - securing funding for their businesses, navigating significant change brought on by mergers, not having enough staff to service their work, and caring for ill family members.
What are you noticing around you? What are you navigating right now? How is it affecting your mindset? How is it affecting your body? How is it affecting your eco system - your home, your work? When was the last time you expressed sincere gratitude?
In times of stress, our survival instincts kick in. Our brains are wired to constantly scan the environment for threats, obstacles, and challenges. It becomes so easy for our brains to only be in tune with what might be getting in our way...and to possibly start blaming other people and events for our challenges.
Here is your reminder to pause for a moment. Take a deep breath...and reflect
What do I need to take radical responsibility for? What can I control? What do I have to let go of? How am I positively or negatively contributing to the circumstances I find myself in? Remember - no one is more resourceful than you at solving this challenge. Believe in yourself to navigate through it.
Ask for help. Who do you need around you to support you? What can you delegate, automate or eliminate? Partner with people that are different than you. Lean into other people's strengths to complement your limitations.
What are you grateful for? Train your brain to see the good. Did you know that gratitude and joy go hand in hand? But you can't experience joy without practicing gratitude. Disrupt the "survival mode-brain spinning" by actively finding things in your day to be grateful for.
Prioritize. What is THE MOST IMPORTANT RESULT you need in the next 30 days?
Trust in this path. Trust that no matter how big the challenge that you are currently facing, you will get through it. And that when you do, the outcome will be sweeter than anything you could have imagined.
As my Grade 11 Science teacher used to say to us at the end of every class: I'm here as you need for any of your questions, comments, or concerns.
Be well!
Looking for a way to ignite your leaders in 2023?

Leadership development is an inside job. Leadership starts with cultivating a deep awareness of who you are - your strengths, values, purpose, and capabilities - but also a knowing of your limiting beliefs, triggers, and how you are perceived by others in pressure situations.
One-on-one executive coaching has taken off in the past 20 years as a proven method for helping leaders truly develop their self-awareness in order to show up with a stronger impact. However, one-on-one is not always accessible or affordable to other levels of leadership.
Clients are frequently telling us "This has been a transformative experience - how can we extend it throughout the organization?" In 2023 we'll be showing you the way! We'll be launching an online group training/coaching program called Better Your Leadership. We will be catering to two different groups:
- Professionals looking to grow their book of business
- Emerging leaders looking to show up with a bigger impact in their roles
Questions? Join us on November 30th with all your questions and let your colleagues know too - see below!

Wednesday, November 30th @ 12 pm-1 pm PST