Has your business been impacted by the "Great Resignation"?
Do stats like more than half of Canadian workers have one foot out the door to nearly two-thirds of US workers are looking for new jobs leave you concerned, or excited?
From my experience the Great Resignation is real. People are taking inventory of everything in their lives: where they live, their careers, and how they are spending their time. Many of our clients are seeing this as the Great Opportunity, and here are a few ways they are choosing to respond.
1. Conduct a purpose review. Gather a committee and take a temperature check. How good of a job has your organization done at keeping its purpose alive recently? Are you truly operating with integrity? Are you "walking your talk?" How do you know? How do you measure it?
2. Conduct a "people" review. Plot your employees on a People, Performance, Potential matrix. Meet with your leadership team and together take inventory of your "rockstars, backbone, problem children, and icebergs."
3. Check-in with your people - how are they doing?
- What are your people excited about right now?
- What are they a bit uncertain about?
- What do they wish was different?
Three simple coaching questions - you're welcome! I write about this topic a lot because life gets busy and not enough companies take the time to simply check in with their employees 1:1 to see how they are doing, where they want to be, and what might be getting in the way.
At the core of driving engagement is living your defined purpose with employees that believe in it, who are healthy, happy, and whole.
I'm inspired to hear from my clients that while they might have been battling the war for talent in the past, they have recently acquired some exceptional people. If you are looking to expand your bench strength, capitalize on the Great Resignation and build out your team!

How are you viewing the Great Resignation? Contact us today if we can help your company leverage the Great Opportunity!

Friday, December 3rd - 12 pm PST
A runaway bestseller in Sweden that has sold more than a million copies worldwide, Surrounded by Idiots shares a simple, revolutionary method of understanding the people around you that will change how you interact with everyone from your coworkers to your spouse.
Join us for an interactive discussion about the four key behavior types that define how we interact with and perceive the people around us.

2021 Monthly Webinar Training
SEPTEMBER: Emotional Intelligence

Wednesday, September 29th @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
How well do you perform under pressure? Research shows that successful leaders and superior performers have well-developed emotional intelligence skills. This makes it possible for them to work well with a wide variety of people and to respond effectively to the rapidly changing conditions in the business world. In fact, a person's EQ may be a better predictor of success performance than intelligence (IQ).
Let's be better together.
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca