Employee As An Expert...
Tim Gallwey, a Harvard graduate and a tennis coach made a profound observation while teaching during the ’70s. He discovered that his adult students were that much more successful at teaching themselves than by being led by an instructor. Tim noticed that by creating the conditions and encouraging his students to observe, feel, and stay in the moment their skills developed that much faster. He made this philosophy famous in his book “The Inner Game of Tennis.”
This thinking also applies to employee development and coaching. More frequently we are seeing companies switch from annual reviews to regular employee check-ins. These check-ins are a great place to practice coach leadership. But of importance to note is that the coaching that applies here is not like the coaching you received in little league.
The key to driving significant results is that the employee takes responsibility for determining what is best to overcome their challenge or achieve their goals. An employee check-in puts the employee in the expert seat. A "coach leader" is there to listen, ask powerful questions, serve as a thinking partner, and hold them accountable to their proposed ideas and solutions.
When Rik (my husband) was a former professional tennis player he would often debate and argue (READ MORE...)

Return to Work Readiness
A Hot Topic showing up in coaching discussions these days is, "how to best support your workforce to safely to return to work?" As many leaders have noticed, employees' willingness and readiness varies. So how do you best support everyone?
Is this something that is top of mind for you? Let's jump on a complimentary laser coaching call to explore this and come up with your return-to-work game plan.

Focus & Accountability
Regular employee check-ins drive results and model focus and accountability. Focus and accountability are critical to achieving goals. Employee check-ins send the message that: we own our commitments and we own our results.
How good are you at holding yourself and your team accountable?

Wash your hands, stay the ef home, and stay healthy!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca
