Dear Carolyn,
Do you have a continuous learning plan? Where do you go to seek out new information? How do you best like to learn?
This past February we hosted our second online webinar from the Leadership Tune Up Series. The topic was Continuous Learning. The participants all agreed that continuous learning is what gives us each a competitive advantage in our quickly moving world. However, we also agreed that the amount of information available to us via networking events, books, podcasts, lunch and learns and online learning can be quite overwhelming.
At Better Your Best, we believe that when it comes to prioritizing your learning it’s important to consider your overall career goals. Consider what topics matter most to achieving those goals and to driving your career. Map out your learning plan accordingly. Most importantly think of ways that you can integrate and evaluate the learning immediately.
Otherwise, you might find yourself like me when you pick up a book for your upcoming book club and realize that you have already read it but forgot most of it!

Coming Up in Tomorrow...

Better Your Best 6am Book Club: The Culture Code by Dan Coyle
Feel free to join in even if you haven't read to book!
Friday, March 6th, 6 am on Zoom

Coming Up Next Week...
Information Session-Coaching & Development Forum for Leaders on the Rise
Are you looking to feel more energized in your career and expand in your leadership? Join us next week as we discuss what prevents us from taking that next step and explore how we can move into action.
Wednesday, March 11th, 12:00 pm on Zoom

Follow us on social media!
Let's keep the conversation going. Follow us on social media where we are sharing more observation, tips, and tricks to help you deepen your self-awareness, strengthen your leadership, optimize your people and drive your business!

Have a great month!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA Principal
t 778.238.6448 e w