What do you need to ensure that your new normal is actually your new better?
As a child, every summer my parents would take us to our rural Alberta cottage for at least two months. Summers were filled with lazy days on the lake with cherished friends, learning new skills (driving a stick shift on an old army jeep), hammering nails, and plenty of unstructured unsupervised time…plenty of it. We played with whatever we could find and created games with our imagination. There were no hot tubs, flashy boats, or summer camps. We roamed the beach roads on old bikes, went to bingo, and ate our weight in candy and ice cream. Summers were our opportunity to slow down, get creative, be active, and connect with old friends and family. These magical memories serve as my reminder for what is most important in life, and I will cherish them forever.
Now as an adult I take the key learnings from my childhood and use my summers to restore, reflect, and refocus. I purposefully plan my summer work schedule to look different than the rest of my year. I minimize my 1:1 coaching work and I take more time for myself and the business of my business. I like to play outside as much as possible, reconnect with nature-swimming, hiking, biking, and boating. I take quiet days in my office to review my goals, systems, finances, operations, and client files. I do a sweeping clean of files, paperwork, and any lingering clutter…anyone need a filing cabinet? Finally, I take the time to refocus and plan for September. Like many, I think of September as a new year and it recharges me. I like to be ready with fresh ideas, programs, and services...stay tuned for some exciting virtual training programs!
The past 5 months have taxed us all in completely different ways. The amount of change people have navigated is jaw-dropping…did you ever think you’d see the day where your whole team was working remotely or handle so many transactions virtually? I am constantly amazed by my client’s ability to (MORE...)

Are you looking to strengthen your leadership muscle and connect with other like-minded professionals? Sign up for our annual Leadership Tune-Up Membership. Membership Includes monthly professional development webinars, quarterly group coaching sessions, and book clubs!
Upcoming Events:
Weds, Sept 23 | 12 pm PST | MONTHLY LEADERSHIP TUNE-UP Topic: Interpersonal Skills | REGISTER *** Fri Sept 25 | 6 am PST | BOOK CLUB: MINDSET by CAROL DWECK | REGISTER
Enjoy the rest of your summer. "Be kind, calm, and safe."
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca
