Dear Carolyn,
Do you want to raise your leadership game? Do you want to have more meaningful relationships and more positive impact? It all starts with continuous awareness. Get curious about who you are, how you show up and your impact on others. Start by cultivating a deep relationship with yourself. This is called "doing the work." Start to really understand what your strengths, weaknesses, and triggers are. By knowing ourselves better we can begin to understand each other better. This helps us to show up more meaningfully to those around us.

Have a great month!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA Principal
t 778.238.6448 e w
A look back on January…
This past January we launched our first online webinar from the Leadership Tune-Up Series. On the Zoom call, we talked about Time Management and the importance of really understanding what our personal time-wasters can be. One of the time wasters that was shared was the need to react to other people’s problems or challenges in order to be perceived as “helpful.” Another time-waster was a lack of proper delegation, choosing to do everything ourselves.
Check out the recording here
Coming Up in February ...
Our next webinar is on Wednesday, February 19th at 12:00pm PST. The topic is Continuous Education. During the session, we will be exploring current trends in corporate learning as well as a few tips and tricks to ensure learning gets looped back into your organization.
The Leadership Tune-Up is complimentary to current BYB clients. Past clients or prospective clients can purchase the learning below.
Current Clients register here.
Past or Prospective Clients purchase the course and register here.
Save the Date ...

Better Your Best 6am Book Club: The Culture Code by Dan Coyle
Friday, March 6th, 6am on Zoom
Register Here