I've always been very curious about 20th-century history...how did the people of those times allow some of that century's major events like WWI and WWII to happen? Is it just me or does it feel like we are living through a historical moment? A time that our grandchildren will look at and say "how did they allow that to happen?"
As I write this today, social media is blowing up with the news from down south. Lots of memes going out to the effect..."I'd like to cancel my subscription to 2021." As we navigate the ongoing restrictions of COVID and watch the chaos of our southern neighbor, I'm finding it very hard to get motivated. What about you? Take a listen here...

Better Your Teams with Behaviour Assessments
Are you looking to better align your teams to your strategy in 2021? A stronger understanding of who is on the team, their roles, communication styles, and an understanding of each other's strengths and blind spots is key to engaging in productive conflict and courageous conversations. Better Your Best offers a suite of assessments to help get to the DNA of you and your teams to have conversations that drive results. A few assessments include:
- Engagement Surveys
- Tri DNA Assessments-measures DISC, Driving Forces & Core Competencies
- Tri EQ Assessment-measures DISC, Driving Forces & Emotional Intelligence
- Sales Behaviour Assessments-Behavioural Sales Overview

You've Set Your Goals, Now What?: Thursday, January 14th| 9 am PST Managing your attitude, behaviours, and skills to drive accountability; a complimentary webinar for small business owners and solopreneurs. The truth is I have set my annual goals now I just need to manage my mindset and attitude; how about you? | REGISTER

February Book Club Meeting: Fri Feb 26 | 6 am PST (**New Date!**) NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE by Chris Voss | REGISTER
Clients often ask the best way to start developing the coach leadership skills of their managers. THIS IS THE BOOK! It's basically coaching 101 and full of great stories. Go buy it now! Join our early morning book club for some great discussion. Or just reach out and let me know what you thought. I promise this book will not disappoint.

Every morning on the way out the door, my mom used to yell "HAVE A HAPPY DAY!" It was her reminder to us that our happiness is our choice; it's a decision we choose. So if you are feeling a bit like me, let's remember to keep it simple, one foot in front of the other. Let's choose our attitude, and breathe!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca