As I kid, I would LIVE for summer. Didn't we all? Something I've really begun to appreciate as an adult is that I spent many childhood summers spending time unsupervised and unstructured at a special place called Pigeon Lake. We had a few routines...junior golf, bingo, parades, and the annual sandcastle competition. But there were very few camps, no tv, and no "too-ing and fro-ing."
Many times I was bored with no one to play with...but as we know, that doesn't last long...and pretty soon, I found myself exploring new parks, learning new things, and eating my weight in candy, chips, and pop.
As an adult, I protect my summers by design. My conversations with clients usually sound like this "So, what do you think our summer schedule should look like? What do you think of us pausing and resuming in September?"
Coaching, consulting, and training, when done properly, can be an intense experience of self-reflection, learning, and action. Real transformation takes focus, commitment, and discipline. But just like an athlete, we can't be ALL head-down, working on growing and developing...we need a recovery phase.
And so this newsletter is your reminder and your permission to carve out some time to be bored. Unplug from your devices, your colleagues, and your network. Find quiet time to go for evening walks after dinner, sit and watch a sunset, and get lost in whatever creative activity your kids want you to be a part of.
Do your best to park any feelings of guilt around not doing, or not being productive.
And remember...

Where's your favourite place to be bored?
Drop me a line and let me know!
"We need to extend this learning to the rest of the organization!"
Are you looking for a meaningful way scale your professional services firm? Ask us about our BETTER YOUR BUSINESS In-Person and Online Training Program for High Performing Teams!
The program focuses on the important balance of optimizing human behaviour (being work) with execution of strategy (doing work.) Some key topics include:
- Org Structure & Accountability Matrix
- Conscious Leadership & Radical Responsibility
- DISC Team Debrief - Communicating With Different Behavioural Profiles
- Standard Operating Procedures Defined
- Objectives & Key Results
- Time Management
- Culture Recalibration - Vision, Purpose, Values
- Courageous Conversations
E-mail today to set up a call to discuss how this training can help you focus, align and energize your team. Training grants for this program are available in Alberta!
Better Your Best Book Club

FRIDAY, September 23 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
THE ART OF GATHERING - How We Meet and Why it Matters
In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker argues that the gatherings in our lives are lackluster and unproductive—which they don't have to be. We rely too much on routine and the conventions of gatherings when we should focus on distinctiveness and the people involved.
At a time when coming together is more important than ever, Parker sets forth a human-centered approach to gathering that will help everyone create meaningful, memorable experiences, large and small, for work and for play. LET US GATHER(!) for an interactive discussion on ways we can apply Priya's expertise as a facilitator to the ways we come together, and to discuss what works and what doesn't.
2022 Quarterly Webinar Training

Wednesday, October 26 @ 12 pm-1 pm PST
A personalized performance management plan is a critical step in your onboarding process. Plan components need to include designing alliances with key working relationships, establishing 30/60/90 day goals or objectives, and defining professional development opportunities to develop key role capabilities.
At Better Your Best we love to bring people together to connect and learn from other professionals. Join us for a dynamic discussion of performance management best practices!
Happy Summer! Here's to it being filled with plenty of bored and quiet moments!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e w