Hello Carolyn,
Happy November!
Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of different types of conversations required to drive results in your business? Some of these different conversations look like coaching, sales, negotiating, reviews, check-ins, and the most important, what I like to call: Courageous Conversations.
In our October webinar, we explored Influencing Without Authority. We talked about the importance of slowing down to consider who you're talking to...to understand what motivates them and what triggers them. This month, we'll be exploring what I believe to be one of the most important conversations for unleashing results in your business: Courageous Conversations. These are the conversations that you know you need to have but consistently move them down the priority list because they are simply uncomfortable. The actual thought of them brings a visceral, physical reaction.
When these types of conversations aren't had, the net result are departments that are increasingly siloed, co-workers who stop communicating, and the worst of all: ideas that aren't shared.
So in the words of Brene Brown, it's time to embrace the suck, have the courageous conversation, and get back to clarity. Join us on November 24th to learn about a few of the key skills required to step into your courage.

P.S. Don't forget that all of these events are complimentary and are open to you and your team to join us. We truly value connecting with our community and learning together!