Necessity breeds innovation.
Fun fact: did you know that the Bubonic plague preceded the Renaissance movement?
I've always been very curious about Leonardo da Vinci for the simple fact that he was both a scientist and an artist.
All too often I find myself having conversations with clients who say "I don't think like that, I'm not good with numbers" or "I'm not good with people." That is some fixed mindset thinking that keeps them trapped in their narrative and whatever tricky situation they are trying to resolve.
This past month during one of my early morning walk & podcast sessions, I heard Elizabeth Gilbert talking to Tim Ferriss about "The Artist's Way", a book + course by Julia Cameron. It's described as 'a course for discovering and recovering your creative self'. I was instantly intrigued! While I do consider myself creative, I'm not sure how often I was giving creativity the space and attention it needs to blossom.
What better time then during a pandemic to tap into some creative discovering and recovering?
Wouldn't you agree that what this crazy world needs right now is more creativity, innovation, and beauty? I have always believed 100% in the resilience and resourcefulness of the human spirit to see us through challenging times. Necessity breeds innovation.
And so I urge and challenge you to tap into your whole brains, both left and right so that we can unlock the hidden answers to the numerous challenges our world is facing right now.
What would it look like to double down on your creativity this summer? How can you stoke creativity within yourself, your teams, businesses, or family?

Upcoming Events:
Fri Sept 25 | 6 am PST
A few ideas to amplify creativity in your...:
- Check out this great new app - Mural - that allows teams to collaborate online! It's full of great templates and primers to get your team connecting in new energetic ways while working remotely.
- Unlocking Creativity & Capacity on Your Teams - Check out a webinar I did last month with Whistle Blower Security.
- There's nothing that breeds creativity and innovation more than a diverse and inclusive organization. How does your business measure up? Check out the awesome work of this BC based company Veza Global.
Thanks for reading!

All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e w
