Good morning Carolyn
Just a quick reminder about our Mental Fitness Webinar happening today! Fyfe and I hope to see you there!

Mental Fitness for High Performers with Fyfe Barraclough
Mental fitness increases your ability to face challenges with a positive mindset.
It helps you manage stress, make tough decisions, and stay focused under pressure. As a proactive approach and a critical component of leadership development, mental fitness strengthens emotional intelligence, improves conflict resolution, and fosters stronger relationships.
Join us for our upcoming info session to learn more about how this training group can help you elevate your leadership game!
February 11th, 12:00 - 1:00 pm PT

Have a wonderful day!
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca
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