Humanize this experience
Last Friday we had a wonderful turn out of leaders from large corporations who gathered to discuss tips and tricks on leading remotely. A core theme that came out of the discussion was a deep concern for employees and subsequently the need to humanize this experience. Let's remind all those around us to keep it human!
So what does this look like exactly? The following are a few ideas that came up on the call:
- Give employees with children a wide berth - especially if this is a new switch and parents are still trying to define schedules and boundaries
- Invest in your people. If you have the budget, consider sending out self-care baskets and home office equipment allowances. These small gestures really show your people that you care for their well being.
- Take a team temperature check. As a part of your regular meeting rhythm, set aside one meeting a week to just check in on team's overall health.
A final idea that came via a friend at her tech company is having your team connected via Zoom with a tablet at all times. If at any time they can just speak up and ask their old-school! I love it!
Below is the link to the zoom if you want to know more about what we talked about!

Giving back in the time of COVID
A special invite to HR leaders to join our Friday afternoon Huddle...
HR Leaders and People Trainers, You have moved mountains these past few days. Please join our huddle this Friday to pause, give yourselves a pat on the back and connect with other HR professionals. We're calling it the huddle because it's a circle for HR professionals to show up, support and collaborate with one another. We basically consider you to be the medical staff who've been keeping your businesses afloat these past few weeks, so now we want to support you!
If you are not an HR or Training leader please be sure to extend this invite to some of the hard-working leaders that you know!
BYOB and join us for a Zoom Chat!
Friday March 27th, 3:00pm-4:30pm PST

Resources to pass along to your employees...
We have been blown away by all the ways corporations and small businesses have been stepping up to make working from home, staying healthy and teaching our kids that much easier. We've curated a small selection of them that have stood out for here to read more!
How's your current ecosystem?
Connecting community is a core value at Better Your Best. Hosting these complimentary Zoom calls as well as sharing some of our favorite resources is an example of how we like to model investment into our ecosystem!
We challenge you to continue to pay it forward with whatever you can and to continue to invest in your ecosystems during these challenging times!

Wash your hands, stay the ef home and stay healthy!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA Principal
t 778.238.6448 e w