Dear Carolyn!
Happy Friday! I'd like to invite you and a colleague to attend my complimentary webinar on EQ next Wednesday, September 20th at 12pm pst.
For the following reasons, strong emotional intelligence is more important than ever:
- Rapidly Changing Environments
- Advances in Technology
- Competing Priorities and Distractions
- Diversity of Behaviors, Motivators, and Competencies
- Increasing Uncertainty and Instability
- Asked to Do More with Less
How we respond under pressure is critical to leadership success. Understanding what can trigger us, how to regulate ourselves, how to read other people, and how to assess the environment are the key components of emotional intelligence. In theory, it all makes sense... in real life, responding appropriately requires lifelong discipline and practice.
I hope you will join us for this leadership important discussion!
Complimentary Webinar for You and your Team Wednesday, September 20th - 12pm pst:
EQ: Key Considerations for Performing Under Pressure
EQ: Key Considerations for Performing Under Pressure
All the best!
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca
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