Mindful Eating

What does a typical breakfast routine look like for you?  Are you someone who usually skips breakfast, grabs breakfast on the commute to work, or eats breakfast thinking what needs to be done today or “surely there’s something I could be doing while I eat.” Enjoying our food is another one of life’s pleasures that is quickly being pushed aside as insignificant in our fast paced, hurry up and do more, day-to-day lives. 

 “Where ever you go, there you are” (J. Kabat-Zinn) was the name of the latest BYB Book club book.  If you haven’t read it already, I highly recommend you do.  The reason I chose this book is it is a great reminder of what is most important in life; this moment right now.  It was most interesting to observe at the book club the clear divide of individuals who think they spend the majority of their thoughts going over something that happened in the past versus the other group who would say they spend the majority of their time thinking about the future.  Where do you fall? Have you ever considered the root of why your mind operates in this manor?

Food, exercise, sleep and “unplugging,” all play a powerful role in our day-to-day energy management and mental performance.  When these habits are perfectly in balance we are in the most optimal position to make good decisions, respond to challenges, and give our relationships the attention they require to grow.  As many of you have heard me mention before I believe that food is the heart of the engine that allows us to perform every day. 

For the remainder of this month I challenge you to practice “mindful eating.”  Create a deeper consciousness around your nutrition.  Before a meal ask yourself a few of the following questions:

  • ·         What does my body need right now?
  • ·         What was the makeup of my last meal?  Was it mostly protein, carbs, fats?
  • ·         Is my meal meeting my body’s nutritional needs?

While you are eating notice:

  • ·         What you eat
  • ·         Why you chose that food
  • ·         What it tastes like and how it makes you feel
  • ·         Any urges to multi task?

Everyone’s relationship with food is different; for many it’s a love/hate.  What’s your perspective? How would you rate your ability to fuel your body?  How would you rate your ability to enjoy your meals?  Over the next month notice how slowing down at meal time to be in the moment with food and savoring its flavor, can directly impact your mood and your state of mind. 


Practice Mindful Eating-especially at breakfast!!


BYB Exclusive “Mindful” Cooking Lesson with Erin Holm in West Vancouver

Many of you have already fallen in love with Erin's first cook book "Life Diet."  Here's your opportunity to connect with the amazingly talented chef in person and soak up her nutritious tips and ideas!  Space is limited with only 4 spots remaining so confirm your spot today!            

Thursday September 27th 7:00PM Cost: $75.00


Small Giants: Companies that choose to be great instead of big.  (B.Burlington)

Wednesday October 24th 6:00PM      Confirm your spot today!!  Carolyn@betteryourbest.ca


Did you experience a champagne moment this summer? Some of you embarked on dream holidays, some of you completed amazing physical challenges!  Inspire others to dream big and tweet that!  Use the hash tag #bybchampagnemoment 


I always consider September to be the start of almost a new year.  I look forward to connecting with you in the next few weeks.  Come ready for the call by reviewing goals and give me an update on the “Mindful Eating Challenge.” 


Carolyn de Voest

Skype: carolyndevine

Twitter: @betteryourbest

Facebook: http://bit.ly/9GSApy