Dear Carolyn

Happy Spring!  I hope this little update finds you well!!  June is quickly approaching and it marks 6 months on the Calendar year!!  I just thought I would reach out to encourage you to pause and reflect on the past 6 months.  A few questions to help you with this reflection are:

1. What's working right now?  What systems, processes, new business has really made an impact in your life or business in the last 6 months?

2. What's a hot button?  What's feeling heavy and slowing you or your organization down? One the questions I ask in the call strategy is "what are you avoiding?"  Most people don't answer this question but I really want to encourage you to be honest with yourself and notice what might come up...perhaps its a financial issue, a people issue or a health issue?  Just think about it!

3. What Family Champagne moments have you experienced in the last 6 months?  Have you been keeping stock with your BYB Champagne jars?

Just as I mentioned to most of you, I'll be setting up 6 months check in calls in June.  If we haven't already set something up please let me know if you are interested in a call and we will get it on the calendar.  Ideally I would like to set them up the first two weeks of June.  So look at your schedules and let me know a few days/times that work for you for a coaching call.

Well Motherhood is awesome!  Am learning so so much.  Morgan is pretty much the most perfect little guy in the whole world.  Haha-yeah right!!  All parents think that right?!  I would love to figure out how to get 6 hours sleep in a row.  But we'll get there am sure.  One of my highlights at the moment is all the new songs I'm coming up with to classic tunes.  In the true spirit of our relationship Rik and I actually compete quite a bit in this department-who can come up with the most clever rhymes.  I'm going to admit defeat on this one but I keep trying!! 

Finally for all my YEG clients Rik and I are looking to host another Couples Tennis and Dinner at the Derrick Club.  Our tentative date is Thursday August 7th so save the date and let me know if you are interested.  You don't have to be a couple and you don't have to be very good at tennis!!  We just hope to repeat the fun we all had in 2012!!

I look forward to catching up with you soon!  All the best!  Carolyn