“BYB Exclusive Client March Newsletter!”
“What section of the rollercoaster are you on today?” Are things moving fast and forward or slow and climbing as if you’re the one pushing the carriage up the tracks? Do you ever consider hitting the pause button just to catch your breath?
I love the metaphor of a rollercoaster because its ebb and flow applies to so many other areas of life. It reminds us that there’s no start and end and that the sweetest victories in life and business typically follow some very hard work. Nothing ground breaking here is it? But the real question is how well do you handle life’s ups and downs? How good of a job are you doing today at recognizing and celebrating your achievements and those of the people around you to stepping back and hitting the pause button every once in a while to take a big picture look at the whole ride. How would this perspective enable you to better respond to all of life’s twists and turns?
It's the end of March...(I know a bit late for a March newsletter but still got it out) schedule some time today or this weekend to review and revise your your monthly goals. What are you going to create in April? What would hitting the pause button in April look like?

The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies By Chet Holmes
Wednesday May 9th 6:00PM PST
Confirm your remote or local spot today!! Carolyn@betteryourbest.ca
I was first introduced to the WWII phrase “Keep Calm & Carry On” by a client who had it on the cover of her journal. Now I see it everywhere. Click on the image to see the history of this saying.
All the best and I look forward to connecting on your next call!
Carolyn de Voest
PS! Have you checked out the BYB FB page lately?
Skype: carolyndevine
Twitter: @betteryourbest
Facebook: http://bit.ly/9GSApy