“BYB Exclusive Client June Newsletter!”

“Carolyn these coaching calls are coming fast and furious! I barely feel like I’ve gotten anything accomplished since our last chat.”
Coaching is an action oriented process. Equally important to taking action, and often overlooked, is noticing your state of mind while in the moment. How quickly is time passing you by? Would you consider yourself to be someone who spends most of their thoughts in the future, past or the present? Living in the moment, absorbing each experience or encounter, assists in a more fulfilling, well rounded and balanced life.
Being aware of the type of thoughts you have is the first step to living a more deeper life experience. I used to wonder “How does anyone who is mindful ever get anything done-if you always just living in the minute?” What I was quickly taught was that being mindful is about being present and deliberate in all of your day-to-day activities, including planning. When you are spending your time planning, just plan. Don’t plan, talk on the phone, and eat at the same time, rather prioritize and simplify.
Time will fly by faster and faster with each passing year. Lists will get longer and “people will die with e-mail in their inbox,” (anonymous). There will always be one more thing for you to do, check, or follow up on. However, I encourage you to be aware of how this hurried state of mind doesn’t contribute to a more fulfilled life, but rather has you completely missing out on this moment right now, the only moment that truly matters..right now.
BLOG-What is Mindfulness?
A perspective on Mindfulness by BYB client Lisa Grattan
“Nothing can be more useful to a man or woman than a determination to not be hurried”- Anonymous.
I was a healthy, active 47 year old woman when I was diagnosed with shingles by a doctor in Paris where I was working at the time.
Looking back at this moment, I had what I might consider to be a kind of “psychic awakening” when I heard the doctor’s words. I realized that being stressed-out, working too much, and juggling too many things simultaneously, had physical and mental repercussions which had finally caught up with me. More...
Just like Lisa try the three minute notice your breath challenge! For three minutes find a quiet peaceful spot to just sit and notice nothing but your thoughts. Every time your mind wanders bring it back to your breath and bring your mind back to the present. Let’s debrief this challenge on your next call!
"Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life" by Jon Kabat-Zinn
When: Wednesday August 15th 6:00PM PST
Confirm your spot today!! Carolyn@betteryourbest.ca

Saturday July 28th 4:00PM-8:00PM Tennis & BBQ Vancouver
Thursday September 27th 7:00PM Private Cooking Lesson with Chef Erin Holm
All the best and I look forward to connecting on your next call!
Carolyn de Voest
Skype: carolyndevine
Twitter: @betteryourbest
Facebook: http://bit.ly/9GSApy