What’s a past summer champagne moment that makes you smile?
Road trips, bonfires, kick the can and learning new skills-that’s what i think of when I think of great summer memories. One that stands out as significant was the night my older brother Mike wanted me to get out of the water on one ski. After many failed attempts I was done; but he wouldn’t let me back in the boat. I’ll never forget the mixture of emotions I felt that night: frustration, sadness, anger and embarrassment. The two of us were causing quite a scene on the lake. I'm sure we ruined a great summer sunset for all my neighbors who would have been out on their decks. After a lof of yelling, tears and easily a tank of gas I did it. I somehow persevered and made it out of the water on one ski. Waterskiing would quickly become one of my favorite teen activities.
I have always loved summer for what seemed an eternity of unstructured time. Unstructured time is quickly becoming a thing of the past. I challenge everyone to guard their holidays and their unstructured time closely. It’s a time for family, a time for traditions and a time for overcoming challenges-like driving the boat and docking it without it getting scratched. Most importantly summer is a time for fully and completely living in the moment, having fun and loving life!
Come up with a list of your top 5 summer memories that were instrumental in developing your character, as well as a list of 5 future memories-champagne moments that you would like to experience. Feel free to share with me on twitter @betteryourbest!
Have you RSVP for the following BYB events?
YEG Tennis & Dinner Thursday July 26th
YVR Tennis & Summer BBQ Saturday July 28th
BYB Book Club Wednesday August 15th
For more info or to rsvp simply drop me an e-mail Carolyn@betteryourbest.ca

Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
by: Jon Kabat-Zinn
Wednesday August15th 6:00PM PST
Confirm your spot today!! Carolyn@betteryourbest.ca
Its official-I’ve decided to practise what I preach and completely unplug for a month. This summer there will be no coaching calls scheduled from August 20th-September 16th. We will schedule one call at the beginning of August and the next at the end of September. You will be billed a regular coaching month for August but nothing for September. For clients who have already paid their year in full we will add on a month in the new year! If you have any questions about schedules or billing please don’t hesitate to ask!
Enjoy your summer! And all the best!!
Carolyn de Voest
Skype: carolyndevine
Twitter: @betteryourbest
Facebook: http://bit.ly/9GSApy