WARNING: This is a long newsletter.  You’ll be tested on it in your next call!  Kidding!  But, announcing the first ever:

“BYB Exclusive Client Monthly Newsletter!”

As a Better Your Best client it’s my goal and objective to support you in making whatever you want happen while developing yourself awareness along the way.  As many of you already know my grandmother has played a vital role in showing me the importance of continued learning and development simply by being who she is.  At 98 years old she is someone who continues to ask questions and who continues to learn.  It is my professional goal in 2012 to assist you in your learning through not only your one-on-one coaching sessions but by creating challenges, sending your resources and leaving you with inquiries to deepen your experience. 

My plan is to e-mail you my private clients a monthly newsletter and have it include personal updates from me as well as resources for you to peruse.  If you come across any amazing resources: articles, videos, speakers, workshops, challenges that you have found to have had meaningful impact on your life I hope you’ll share it with me so I can extend the info to the BYB network. 12 months is a long time to inspire you with content!!  Hehe!


If you are still plugging away at your goals please make it your personal goal to have them e-mailed to me or uploaded to your private profile on the client site by the end of January.  Goals can be tricky.  For those of you who have been coaching with me for a while you’ll know that I want you to be diligent with this practice. 

1. Break down your SMART goals into actions much like peeling away the layers of an onion.  Just when you think you’ve got it all written down ask yourself how could I break this down even more. 

2. Next review your goals/strategic plan REGULARLY.  Don’t wait for me to tell you.  Surprise me by sending me an updated version of your goals.  Create an appointment in your calendar on a monthly basis to do this and to set your schedule for the upcoming month accordingly.

3. Celebrate!  When people achieve what they want it can be very motivating to others still plugging away at something.  If you are comfortable with social media I encourage you to share your wins on twitter using the #bybchampagnemoment  Yes, I know this is shameless promotion for my coaching business but coaching is very confusing to many people and if others can see that it isn’t scary I think more people would leverage the opportunity in their own lives. 


Coaching is more than showing up at the call to update me on your completed action items and your “to do lists.”  Challenge yourself to raise your level of personal awareness by taking the time before the call to ask yourself some hard questions.  What topics make me really uncomfortable?  What’s a weakness I know I have that I could work on?  What’s my definition of spirituality?  The more you think and reflect on a topic and then complete your call strategy form the better I’m able to prepare for your call.  If you find yourself stuck don’t be afraid to let me know ahead of time so I can plan an interesting learning activity!


This was a new initiative in 2011 where we read Good to Great by Jim Collins and The Leader Without a Title by Robyn Sharma.  I highly recommend both for entrepreneurs and executives.  I also recommend the challenge to wake up early (5am) as a means to achieve your dreams!

This first  quarter in 2012 we will be reading “18 Minutes” by Peter Bregman.  We’ll be meeting online or in person on Wednesday February 29th to debrief at 7:00PM PST.  “Find your focus, Master Distraction and Get the Right Things Done!”  Please let me know if you plan to read it and or participate in the club!


This is a very powerful Ted Talk; not to mention I think Brene Brown is hilarious.  It is 20 minutes but worth every minute of your precious time.  I would love for it to be the topic of your next coaching call...just saying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o


This fall a very good friend and client challenged me “the coach” to raise the bar and double my client roster.  And for someone who does not back down from a challenge I took it on and succeeded at the end of December.  I'm excited to announce BYB is pretty near capacity for one-on-one clients in 2012. This means two things for you and I.  One I need to be extra diligent with scheduling.  For the most part I endeavor to keep your calls and appointments at the same time every two weeks.  Please give me as much notice as possible if you have to change an appointment.  The second thing is I want you to know that I’m always open to FEEDBACK.  If you see a way I could be doing a better job either in the coaching or in the systems of the business please let me know.  

While my one-on-one roster is close to full I plan to continue to expand my group coaching in 2012 in the area of Athlete Transitions- working alongside the WTA and other sports association as well as in corporate professional development and team building.  If your company or HR department values ongoing learning and are looking for new and interesting ways to engage their employees LET ME KNOW!  I appreciate you being an ambassador in the ongoing success of Better Your Best.


A lot of my interactions with people start with this question. It’s my own inside joke because it is usually followed up by “And how are you?”  This winter I will be joining Rik in Europe from January 21st-February 22nd.  Therefore I will be contacting YOU during this time so make a note in your coaching appointments and as much as possible I will be using skype unless we pre-arrange an alternative or there’s no internet. 

IN CLOSING...finally (thanks for reading this far!)

If you are a new BYB client, maximize your coaching experience by adding me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and making full use of the private client site.  Most important WELCOME I’m so excited to be a part of your 2012 and to hear about all of your amazing ideas.  If you are a returning BYB client thank you for your business.  I’m so inspired to continue to work with you it’s an absolute privilege.  I promise these newsletters won’t be this long in the future.  Here’s to another fabulous year “Dreaming, Achieving and Believing!”

All the best!

Carolyn de Voest

skype: carolyndevine

Twitter: @betteryourbest

Facebook: http://bit.ly/9GSApy