Dear Carolyn
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Pete Carroll 
This past weekend I was reminded by Seattle’s win of the Superbowl and my husband’s Davis Cup victory over Monaco that it’s actually the little habits athletes adopt in their day to day lives that contribute most significantly to their success.
According to the infamous Pete Carroll excellence is a mighty big habit. While we at Better Your Best highly encourage excellence we recognize it’s a tall task. So where does one start? Well the good news is many of you are already daily committed to excellence through the identification of your dreams, your commitment to personal awareness and your dedication to your goals. But how aware and committed are you to the tiny habits?
Athletes adopt habits like pre hab & rehab, ice baths, meditation, journaling and taking their supplements in order to perform consistently at their best. What’s your equivalent? Some of these tiny habits that apply to corporate athletes can include: picking up the phone versus sending an e-mail when addressing a difficult situation, showing up 10 min early to your engagements, drinking your 6-8 glasses of water a day, putting your screens away and getting on the floor when your spending time with your kids. This small habits list could go on and on. So my challenge for you is how can you raise the bar on a habit or a few habits in order to have you live more authentically and bring you closer to your dreams?
For the month of February we challenge you to identify a meaningful habit you want to work on, determine how many times a week you will work on it and how you will celebrate its completion at the end of the month? Be sure to include your commitment in your upcoming call strategy!
BYB Resource of the Month:
Track your habits and track mine on this app called Lift
Upcoming BYB Book Club-Vancouver
The Power of Habit
Wednesday March 12th 6:30PM
Sign up here
“Start With Why” Book Club Review
Last month we read the popular Simon Sinek’s book “Start with Why.” Check out former BYB client Kate Roland’s impression of the book and advice to leaders about how to keep why alive in their culture in her awesome review.
Have a great month! Go Canada go!!
All the best!
Carolyn, Catharine & Jeff