Together we go further
For the past two weeks, I've been sharing my values of community and connection via online videos, coaching calls, and zoom meetups.
We've had lots of discussions with leaders, business owners, HR professionals, and other coaches.
Through all of these conversations, the thing I continue to be curious about is how are the people around me doing and where is everyone at in their change cycle?
- how are you doing as a leader; what are you noticing about your emotions and feelings?
- what are you doing to take care of your people right now; how are you at helping them navigate their emotions?
- where are you at with your strategic plan; have you pivoted, adapted or re-calibrated it?
A framework I've been referencing through this process is an adapted framework from Kubler Ross. Superimposed on this framework is some Lean Change Management. Take a look...what do you notice about where you, your teams and your business is at? 
Virtual Coffee or Complimentary Laser Coaching Calls:
Need help exploring and re-defining your new normal?
In the spirit of supporting my community, along with the many other amazing humans and businesses that I see giving, I'm offering complimentary calls or zoom sessions every Thursday afternoon. Book a 30-minute virtual coffee or a laser coaching call. Let's re-connect, check in on you and maybe start exploring what this new normal looks like. Where can you start experimenting in your business or in your life? I look forward to chatting!

A special invite to our next Leadership Tune-Up:
Leading with Resilience
Wednesday, April 22nd
12:00PM PST

Another example of giving in the month of April. You are invited to join us for free for our upcoming webinar "Leading with Resilience."
A critical leadership competency, and one of many we are covering monthly in 2020. The Leadership Tune-Up, an online professional development course, was launched to support leaders to continue to strengthen their leadership muscle. Join us for this one hour webinar where we will discuss what resilient leadership looks like and how best to integrate it back to your team and business.
At the core of resilient leadership is noticing your own emotions and feelings. Do you notice your emotions and how do you feel about them overall?

Feel the feels, get outside and take stock of your wins!
All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e w
