“I’ll wait to address his communication at his annual review.”
“When’s that?” I ask.
“Not for another few months” he responds.
Long silent pause.
“Carolyn, I just have too many fires burning right now. I need him to focus on his work and I don’t want this to become a thing that can detract him from executing.” And so Brene Brown’s wise words start ringing in my ears: “What gets in the way, becomes the way.”
The most common reason people avoid these difficult conversations is a fear of making the situation worse. And so addressing these professional development opportunities gets kicked down the road until a “better” time….AKA, never.
Organizations that time block for regular employee “check-ins” create a culture of ongoing learning, trust, and accountability. When we create cultures of vulnerability, trust, accountability and commitment, we get traction. We get results because in real-time we are addressing what is getting in the way.
The following are a set of recommendations to consider if you are looking to strengthen your employee check-ins.
- Design your alliance; define what the purpose of the check-ins is meant to be, the logistics and expectations, key considerations for communication styles.
- Agree on a topic/discussion theme ahead of time.
- Ask open-ended powerful questions.
- Listen at a “level 3” with all your senses; listen to hear, not to respond.
- Define and document action steps with deadlines for completion. Explore what will happen if the timeline is not met.
- Acknowledge and celebrate whenever there is an opportunity.
- Know the key to successful employee check-ins.
A regular employee check-in with a coach approach is a powerful way to address obstacles and challenges, strengthen working relationships, and increase employee engagement. It’s the catalyst to driving the commitment and accountability required of high-performing organizations.
Like all aspects of leadership, coach leadership is a muscle that needs to be trained and continuously strengthened. Join us this month for our complimentary webinar - An Introduction to Coach Leadership - where you will discover the basic core competencies required in a coaching-style conversation.

The gift of powerful questions, add it to your Coach Leadership toolkit:
2021 Monthly Webinar Training
MAY: Coach Leadership

Are you ready to start addressing important conversations in real-time?
Join us for this lunch and learn where we will explore the principles that make executive and leadership coaching so powerful. Coach leadership supports the “coachee” to surface their own challenges, expand on their own ideas, and take action on their own solutions. When humans have full autonomy to solve their challenges with their own solutions, they are that much more inclined to take action, follow through, and get results.
An employee owning their growth and development is more capable and powerful than an employee being told how to grow.
Join us for an interactive hour and explore coach leadership core competencies, the grow model and the skill of powerful questions.

May Book Club Meeting:
Thurs, May 27th | 12 pm PDT The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success | REGISTER
Join us at a NEW BYB Book Club date and time to discuss this excellent book!
You'll never see leadership the same way again after reading this book. These 15 commitments are a distillation of decades of work with CEOs and other leaders. They are radical or provocative for many. They are game-changers!
The book professes that leaders who practice the 15 commitments: · End blame and criticism · Speak candidly, openly, and honestly, in a way that invites others to do the same · Find their unique genius · Let go of taking everything—especially themselves and their problems—so seriously · Create win for all solutions · Experience a new relationship to time and money where there is always enough

All the best,
Carolyn de Voest B. Ed CPCC MBA
Principal & Founder
t 778.238.6448 e carolyn@betteryourbest.ca w betteryourbest.ca